Thursday, October 29, 2009

I blog somewhere else now

I am currently blogging here --> BEST BLOG EVER

So check it out if you would like. If not thats ok. I won't be personally offended or anything. I am thinking about trying video posts on this one. What do you think? Also if you think it worthy of your time you should check out these sites as well.



Monday, April 09, 2007

On War

I'm so stinkin tired. I just stayed up really late to write a paper and study for a test. I know you all care. That's a lie. No one really cares about some college student who stayed up all night studying. It is a non event in the cosmos. But I will Blog. I will shoot it in the vast ether and think. They will read. They will read. But they will not read. Perhaps in a few weeks liz will come double check my blog in some bored moment. She ultimately matters to me alot more than anyone else reading. I love you liz. You looked really beautiful singing along to regina specktor last night. It was because you looked so happy I think. You know Doug might read this post too. Doug I'm really sorry I couldnt make it back to KS to hang out. I wish I would have.
Blogs should become message boards between friends that are open to the public. Its like communications through billboards that no one will likely look at or care, BUT THEY COULD if they wanted to. Future people could look through this and find out about my battle with the chicken duck and say this guy is nuts! Lets run him for political office. That is exactly what they will say. He's tall and reasonably good looking. Not at all offensive to the eyes. He speaks relatively well and seems to think clearly. He should be president. All because of my mindless blog. AHAHAHAHAHA. .... I told you I was tired. I don't feel so good. But I am killing time until chapel starts. Chapel now thats and exercise in sillyness. Lets all get together and convict eachother about not always doing literally what a song says we do figuratively. Case in point: "I stand in awe of you" the song leader says "guys I dont want you to stand in this song because you dont get on your knee's when we sing "On bended Knee"" are you freaken serious?! What the hell are you talking about. The thing that killed me is that he talked about it with such sencerity. From his voice inflection he could have been convicting the audience of some great collective sin. I KID YOU NOT DOUG. You would of died from laughter in the audience had you been there. Liz you were there and found it amuzing. This post had nothing to do with war. OR DID IT!?!?!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Capitalism and Its Evils

I am a part of the underbelly of capitalism. I am the lower subserviant loser in this economic system. I serve those who have more (or those who like to pretend to). I am a waiter. I have just finished working 2 days in which I worked 12 hours shifts. It was awful. My feet hurt, my voice is scratchy and I may have the perminant smell of steak in my hair. If I ask one more person how they would like their steak cooked I may explode. So what did I recieve for my pains? 215 dollars after taxes. I guess thats not that bad.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Colonel of Beer

I was offered a beer today by a Colonel in the United States Army. I glanced over at my future father in law who had just declined a beer in favor of a jug sized cup of sweet tea and thought,

"This may do irreputable damage if I even joke about accepting the beer."

So why was I thinking that it would be funny. (sigh)

The reason I believe is that I have self destructive tendancies! I guess its the same reason I used to wressle poodles to the death.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Older Woman

In highschool it was a joke that only middle aged women ever found me attractive. This was fairly amusing, although admittedly more so for others then for me because I was alway worried that it was true. At work I wait on many older woman. Most of the time it goes by unworthy of note however tonight one older lady who perhaps had had to much to drink apparently had something to say on the matter.

"Mike," (she leaned closer and I as a matter of formality did the same)

"Mike, has anyone ever told you that you look like Mel Gibson? I mean your voice and your facial expressions too."

I was completely surprized by this turn of events. I had been hit on by a beer drinking 60 to 70 year old with one of those old lady perms.

She left me a really good tip....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What Ho!

"The cactus where your heart should be,
Has Lovely little flowers,
And though its always pricking me,
My ardure never sours,

I stick because
I'm stuck because
I just can't tear myself aaaappart."

--The Magnetic Fields

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Click, Adam Sandler, and Pascal

"Let each one examine his thoughts, and he will find them all occupied with the past and the future. We scarcely ever think of the present; and if we think of it, it is only to take light from it to arrange the future. The present is never our end. The past and the present are our means; the future alone is our end. So we never live, but we hope to live; and, as we are always preparing to be happy, it is inevitable we should never be so."

--Blaise Pascal, Pensees

Looks Like Adam Sandler has been reading Pensees. I knew that the Opra man was deep.