Wednesday, September 28, 2005

On Being a Deep Whore

If I am a Whore (which I do not believe I am). I am a whore because I am deep, or at least his is what the comments seem to have said on my previous post. I think that I am not so deep as the last philosophy I have read. Almost everytime I read somthing interesting and new (in the realm of philosophy or theology) I am utterly intrigued by it and think about how it applies to my life. So this would mean that I a am a philosophical whore looking for a mistress that suites me best. For intense I liked Descartes for a long period of time, but he is just a cheep thrill, good to know, but you cannot base your life around him or you just won't function as a human being. But I believe that I often go back to God and the Bible most often. And from this Maybe I have some sort of base. And am not truely a whore. Or at least am not one when I post often. I will try to post a little more consistently. My life has gotten busy in the last two weeks, but I am expecting it to slow down by next week. So untill then kyle and doug feel free to keep in touch via my blog (see now I am whoring out my blog page for real.) and now a short poem!

I do not like this subject anymore,
I am sick of being called a whore
so you all are free to comment more
and I am sorry that my blog bores
Oh man, my ryming mad skills are galore
you guys should go read some old folk lore....

ok I'm done now...I enjoyed that emensely so I don't care that you all think I'm a dork.

Friday, September 16, 2005

several things

so im sorry i havent posted in a while. I dont feel as though i have much of any relevence to say.

I went to a chiefs game the other week. It was awsome. I think everyone should at one point in their lives join a massive angry mob and yell "WE"RE GONNA BEAT THE HELL OUTA YOU YOU YOUYOUYOU" its very cathartic...i think...I might be wrong about what exactly that word means in which case its not cathartic at all but some other word that i am sure exist but i just dont know about it.

I am finally finished the last part of "how should we then live" I have been done with the book part for some time but i hadnt finished the last section called "a note for christians" It was an insiteful warning. Im trying to decide if his warnings and predictions have just not yet come to past therefore could still be correct or if he was just wrong and the christian ethic still drives our culture subconciously. Or there might be a third option...but i dont care to go into that right now.

I am going on a conu..conue....connnueing.....connues on a archaic indian water craft trip this weekend. (why do i have no ability to spell, I mean I feel that I am an intelligent person, How did i just miss this most vital of skills. For all i know i could have spelled it right one of those times. but i just dont know. so all i am left with is making fun of myself to tr y and hide my shame. which i may not even feel. but i digress) So yeah. Liz isnt going so that is sad.

It is my birthday tomorrow.

i am not feeling like punctuating or capitalizing on a regular basis this blog. I hope you all are ok with this

Monday, September 05, 2005

concerning chicken ducks part duex!

So there are was with no weapon in hand staring down a larger then life mean slobberingly vicious chicken duck! I without thinking dart to my left as it attempts to plung its life threatening beak into my heart! Everything is moving completly fluidly. Mind and muscle are one. Then suddenly I reach a zen state where time itself seems to stop. At first I was startled. I stared at the vile beast before me as it stood completely still. I looked behind me and saw a humming birds wings flapping extremely slowly like in one of those new matrixy action movies. Then I saw my chance. Underneith the chicken duck was a sharp but large rock. I slid like a kung fu master underneith the beast while grabbing the crude weapon and hurling it upward! And then in a sudden rush, time returned to normal. The large bird crashed to the ground. I had beaten the chicken duck.

This story, of course, is purly my own ridiculous imagenings of what I wished had happend the first time. But I have been in a struggle, battling the chicken in a different sort of way. Liz and I often take walks down pond this year as well. But the poop left by the annoying creature seems to be increasing exponentially! So in order to get to our romantic rendevue liz and I have to walk through chicken duck crap. It really ruins the ambiance I wish to create on our moonlit strolls. Well played chicken duck.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


I have made an unusual discovery. This discovery may shock or even apaul. This rocks the very foundation of culunary arts in general. I went to Ihop the other day with a friend of mine named luke. Luke was very hungry, but for a long set of circumstances that still remain unclear to me he cannot eat dairy products (that might not have been important to the story at hand). So luke looks over lustfully at the menu while complaining about his want of dairy. I am not paying very close attention to him because Ihop hs free internet and I was downloading stuff for liz while drinking my tasty yet non refillable cup of hot chocolate (tricky bastards). I heard somthing about "yeah its expensive" "9 dollars" "I think its worth it." When the waiter took our orders I declined due to my lack of money, then stared at the bottom of my two dollar hot chocolate cup. So I missed what luke ordered. So after a few aero smiths songs were put on my computer the food came out. and luke got a steak. a big juicy wonderful smelling steak. With the steak came eggs and pancakes. Then Luke starts eating the steak and starts raving about it as one does when eating that most kingly of dinners. So I being curious ask him for a bite. When I bite into this steak I thought my brain was going to explode. THE STEAK WAS AWSOME!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sitting in a tree waiting for a woman's return

Life the Universe and everything have no interest to me right now. I would rather sip coffee and be shollowly deep. This means I would sit at star bucks (not one of those cool hip coffee shops with art on the walls that inspires pity or greatness or confusion) and discuss how stupid everyone is because they are stupid. I like being "for real" deep somtimes (which often envolves discussing the unique and amazing potential, sadness, strength, and overall greatness of man) But not today. Today man is fallen, stupid, petty and he pisses me off with his whining. (am I not being ironical?) Today I will walk to class (in spirit with doug) with my head down in desdain of small talk. Because Small talk yeilds talk about small things. Some days it is good to meet new people and be excited, fun, clever and cliche. But not today.